donderdag 30 september 2010


Yes, a blog about Minecraft even though I don't have it. I've heard a lot of great stories about this game and the immense, vast world that you can explore (because it is randomly generated everytime you start a new world!).

I just want to share this one video with you guys and ask you a question.

First, the video. I stumbled across this awesome video just this morning, I really had a good laugh when I saw it, it's a perfect example of "when things dont go like they shouldn't go".

This man here is making a tutorial on how to create an ever-burning fire, the only problem with this is: He's doing it in is own wooden house. Hilarity ensues.

Well, now for my question to you guys: my fellow followers (pun intended):
Is Minecraft worth my money?

Please respond with a yes/no and why (not).


27 opmerkingen:

  1. hell yes, because minecraft is the unicorn's nipple...

  2. minecraft is the new wow lol
    also nice blog

  3. I generally don't go for huge, open games. I prefer to have something directing me. That said, I enjoy Minecraft immensely, so maybe that counts for something :)

  4. Aw man! My friends, brothers, and I all play this on our server. It's a great time.

  5. it's worth the money, it's just a shame that i have no money :S

  6. I's definitely worth your money. It's cheap and in alpha, so you get your money's worth.

  7. the game is fun for awhile but kinda losing interests

  8. love it, this game never ceases to amaze and entertain me

  9. if i cant stand one thing in the world its this god damn jewish game.

  10. been playing it for a week. definitely worth it.

  11. Looks like a great way to spend your free time

  12. I can attest to the addictive powers of this game.

  13. I never really played it, but it looks like something I might like...

  14. I really dont see the fun in the game :(

  15. I really don't get what's so great about this game... Also, I haven't played it a lot so that might be the reason ;)

  16. thanks man, i'm all hungry now lol
